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Knitting outfits for adorable birds in Enoshima

Have you ever seen birds wearing clothes? If not, you may take a glimpse at the Enoshima station. There is no need to worry that the birds won’t be there when you visit the station because they are stopping at a bar 24 hours 7 days in a week! 

An adorable barrier design 

In front of the Enoshima station, there are two barriers with the design of some birds standing on. You may think that the design is so cute to have some adorable birds. Actually, the birds are not just for decoration, the barrier company produced it with several birds to avoid people from sitting on it. The name of the special barrier is called”Picolino”. You can actually buy it online!


The kindness toward the birds

One day in the winter time, a female staff of the store in front of the station thought the birds on the barrier may be cold. Therefore, she knitted some mini clothes for the birds to bear the cold weather. Then, she decided to change the outfit for the birds every month! The birds with the outfits are so charming which makes people passing by stop to take a look with photos. Also, it’s fun that you can feel the seasons and some specific holidays of Japan through the outfits. Now the job of knitting clothes for the birds is passed to volunteers to keep the warm tradition.

Take a look of the birds by yourself one day

I have visited Enoshima many times since I came to Japan. The knitting outfits of the birds there surprised me every time I visited the station. If you have time, it’s worth taking a look at these cute birds at the Enoshima station!




A Taiwanese with a profound interest in materials and art who pursued textile design in Taiwan and Japan. Her love for creating with different materials emerged during this time.
As a nature lover, she is deeply concerned about environmental issues and integrates them into her artistic practice. Currently, she actively reflects on environmental matters during the process of material production. Through her exploration of yarn-making and the allure of knitting, she strives to create materials that people would cherish for a lifetime.